So, we've decided to make the big switch to cloth diapers. I've been doing a lot of research about the whole process and have discovered there are far more options than I ever imagined.
One thing I realized is that if I'm washing diapers I might as well be washing my own reusable wipes too. I could buy them for $10 a dozen OR I could use material I already have around the house and make my own. I'm really excited about this project!
I'll be using a few of
Lyla's receiving blankets and an old towel. You can use whatever soft washable fabric you choose...I like the idea of double-sided texture wipes.
I'm cutting my wipes into 5 x 8 rectangles...this size will still fit in the wipe box, although I probably won't use it anymore. I started by cutting a piece of cardboard as a template and traced it onto the back of a receiving blanket.
Then cut a coordinating terrycloth piece.

Here's a lovely stack of
unsewn wipes.

I don't have a Serger, but my sewing machine does this cool zigzag binding stitch. Is this standard on all machines? If not I'm sure a regular zigzag would do the trick.

Front vs Back

...which is which?
The websites I've been reading recommend about 3 dozen wipes. What a picture that will be!!! I'll post as soon as I'm finished.