These flower fairies were the biggest hit at the craft fair. They are made from fake flower pedals, floral wire and embroidery floss. I had a lot of fun making each one original...every fairy has a unique dress and hairdo.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Christmas Craft Fair
Hip Hip Hooray! After a year of pretty intense crafting I'm relieved that the fair has come and gone.
I am grateful for wonderfully supportive friends and family...especially for my husband who sacrificed while I put everything else in life aside to finish projects, and for my sister who took off work to help me run the booth. Thanks guys!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Rag Doll Project, Part V - Dresses
Before I start dressing the girls I couldn't pass up this opportunity for a rainbow picture. These dresses are only about 4 inches long. So cute!
Carved Wood Painting - Sneak Peak
A work in progress...just squeezing in a little craft fair painting between unloading the dishwasher and vacuuming the living room.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I just realized I forgot to mention...

...that Pearl has started laying! Well, she was laying. Now the weather has turned dark and cold and she's stopped altogether. We need to put a light out in the coop...and I need to do a little more research. I'm new at this.
Pearl's eggs are a little smaller than those from the grocery store, but she is brand new at it. The yolk is the same size though, interesting.
Here's our sweet pea eating her first plate of home grown scrambles.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Rag Doll Sneak Peak
I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. There is still A LOT to do to get these dolls ready for the craft fair, but it's great to see the pieces starting to come together!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Grandma's Bread Pans
My Grandma Thompson made amazing homemade white bread for her family for most of her life. She had a big hand-cranked metal bread kneader to do the job my handy Kitchen-Aid does today. I think of her every time my machine is whirling away.
If the grandkids were lucky enough to be around when she was baking the bread, she let us make our own loaf in these mini bread pans. I'm borrowing them from my sister who has them now that Grandma has passed on.
I love you Grandma and I LOVED YOUR HOMEMADE BREAD!!! I'm glad to carry on the tradition with my own family.
Colored Pencil Roll
I have finally COMPLETELY finished one of my craft fair projects. I decided it was time to stop jumping from project to project and follow through with one all the way to the end.
These colored pencil rolls are made for a set of 24 Crayola pencils. I saw a picture of one of these rolls in a book a few years ago and fell in love with the rainbow of colored fabrics. I spent hours in the fabric store matching the pencils to the perfect fabrics. What fun!!!
I have since run across the following link where you can get pattern info to make one for yourself if you want!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Business Cards
Dickens Fair, here I come. So, I'm really feeling the pressure of my approaching Christmas Craft Fair. I have A LOT of projects in the works, but I took a break to design and print my own business cards.

One side advertises this project blog...
I made business card stands out of wire using my jewelry-making tools.
I drew this flower and had it made into a stamp at a local printing shop. It was originally used for part of our wedding decorations, but I thought this would be a great opportunity to get it out again.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Pulley Clothesline
Our backyard now has one more useful addition.
Nick put up this pulley clothesline a few weeks ago. The laundry room door is right off this deck, so it's just a few steps to the line. There's a basket of clothespins there on the railing...I can stand right there and clip away...reeling the line out as I go. Another three cheers for an amazing husband.
The Great Tomato Project Continued
So far my tomato project has been a great success. Lyla loves to pick the red ones any chance she gets.
In my last tomato post I had just transplanted my starts into the planter...
...and the big plastic buckets from Albertsons.
They've grown so thick that it is finally time that I get around to thinning them out. It's good to clip off a lot of the extra stems that don't have tomato buds for two reasons. 1. So the plant can focus all its energy on the fruit. AND 2. So the fruit can get the most sunlight possible.
This morning I spent a good while spacing out the pots, thinning out their branches, and giving them a good drink.
Keep coming tomatoes!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Rag Doll Project - Part IV, Tutu
I've been spending a lot of time on my rag dolls these days. I've had a great time designing and testing my own patterns for her accessories. Here's my latest creation:
This fun little tutu has been the easiest rag doll project so far.
It's really simple. Here are the steps:
1. I took a 7 inch cut of tutu material (can't remember what it's called) and folded it in half lengthwise then again widthwise creating 4 layers.
2. I sewed a basting stitch across the raw edge, gathered in the fabric, then trimmed the raw edge to within 1/8 in of the stitching
3. Next I measured a piece of bias tape to fit her waist and pinned the gathered tutu material into the fold.
4. Then stitched it all together, added snaps and little doll is ready to dance!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Quilt Mural
I saw this idea on someone else's blog, although I've adapted it to fit my own style. I've looked and looked for the original blog post that inspired me but can NOT find it anywhere...I wish I could give them credit!
So, there's a big empty wall in Lyla's room and ever since I saw the idea for a painted quilt mural I've been itching to try it. I started by measuring the wall, then drawing a rough sketch on graph paper. Then with a yard stick, pencil and blue tape I managed to transfer the idea to the wall...
Then I seal the tape with the background color.
Here are my three darker shades of green...I just took the paint strip for the room color and order the next 3 shades on the strip.
Before painting the squares I planned out the color pattern by penciling a L, M, or D (Light, Medium, Dark) in each square.
All painted and ready for the blue tape to be stripped!!!
Ta da!
In this picture the overhead light is on...
Lights off...just the natural light from the window.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Great Tomato Project
Several months ago I planted my first tomato seeds. They grew indoors for about 2 months and became quite gangly looking...
So I transferred them to milk jugs and moved them out to my little greenhouse on the porch.
I heard that you can get free frosting buckets (empty, of course) from the bakery at any grocery store...Albertsons was thrilled to get these off their hands. Great for patio planting!
I can't wait until the whole porch is filled with my homegrown tomatoes. I'm daydreaming of lots of garden-fresh tomatoes and jars of homemade sauce!
It's been such a long cold spring that I thought I could start another set of tomato starts from seed. A good friend gave me a cute little packet of cherry tomato seeds.
I started by preparing the garden marker sticks.
All planted and ready to grow!
One week later and they're doing great! I probably should thin them out. :(
More tomato posts to come!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Housekeeping Schedule
My good friend and mentor, Ida, has a printed schedule of her housekeeping chores hanging in her den. It is a daily list of chores which include a rotation of weekly and monthly tasks. Recently, in my frustration with trying to keep this big house clean, I thought I'd give her method a try. Here is the calendar I've developed for myself:
To some of you it may seem bothersome to have such a rigid schedule, but for me this has been a lifesaver. I need a good to-do list like this to be able to keep up. This message I wrote to Ida says it all:
"So, it's been a month since I've been following my house cleaning schedule and I LOVE IT!!! It has changed how I feel about chores. I LOVE getting to check stuff off, like you said. Another thing that makes this so much more rewarding is that before I used to look at this big impossible house and think "I'll never ever be able to tackle this" and cleaning it always felt like I was only ever getting the tip of the iceberg. But now, with this chart, all I have to think about is what is on the schedule for the day and everything else will be taken care of in it's own time. It is so refreshing to feel DONE at the end of the day rather than bogged down with everything that still needs attention. I feel liberated!"
Black: Daily Chores
Purple: Weekly Chores
Green: Monthly and Every-Other-Week Chores
"Clean Sweep" = clear away all the clutter that has accumulated on tables, counters, etc.
"Clean Sweep" = clear away all the clutter that has accumulated on tables, counters, etc.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Rag Doll Project - Part III - Knit Sweater
I'm still working on my rag dolls to sell at a Christmas Bazaar this December. I thought it would be really cute to knit little sweaters but could not find a pattern anywhere. I found this toddler size pattern and adapted it to fit my little rag dolls. It took a couple tries to get it right, but I've worked out all the kinks. The problem solving was a lot of fun.
Click on "Rag Doll" in the Label Archive to see other posts about this project.
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